Train stations

Train station security solutions

Railway stations and subways need a special attention about security and access control. Thousands of travelers pass from one place to another, every day. Management and control of this flow of people is the challenge that CoMETA has set and which has responded with some products in its range.

Interlocking Security Portals, Biometric Systems, Badge readers, Sliding Doors, Emergency Exits, Access Control Gates, they are all a valid solution to create a filter in sensitive areas, also for staff reserved areas. Integrating different access control systems, it is possible to increase the level of security without the need of a supervision by the building staff.

Not only that, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the escape routes and CoMETA offers different solutions that, in compliance with the European norms, ensure safety and security at the same time.

Products and solutions for Transportation sector:

Turnstiles & Gates

  • Half-height Tripod Turnstiles
  • Half-height Flag Turnstiles
  • Full-height Turnstiles
  • High Flow Speed Gates

Anti-burglary Portals

  • Biometric Filter, armored portal (details)
  • Swinging-sliding Portal (details >)
  • Sliding doors Portal

Anti-burglary Doors

Access Control Systems

  • Badge management/readers
  • NFC / Proximity systems readers
  • Fingerprints acquisition system (details >)
  • Anti-masking system (details >)
  • etc.